Cloud is Undoubtedly an Avant-garde Backup Strategy

Cloud is Undoubtedly an Avant-garde Backup Strategy
Updated On: July 13, 2023

Backup Strategy – Available to users over a network using the internet. Based on the user requirement, different types of Cloud storage systems have been developed for business and personal uses. In the information-centric era, users normally hold a large amount of data both on personal and professional levels.

Unlike personal data contents that are stored forever, business data tends to grow obsolete quickly; therefore the enterprise Cloud backup system has set retention policies that Cloud Backup is a strategy to store data remotely (on remote servers) making it works towards purging data once it reaches the time limits. A number of benefits are offered by the Cloud backup strategy over the contemporary onsite storage methods. These benefits have encouraged a large number of organizations to move their data to the Cloud in the past decade.

How Cloud Backup Strategy is Beneficial for Large Organizations

Flexible Storage Approach: Cloud storage is a better alternative for businesses that are in the growing stage as the services are flexible and it is comparatively easier to scale up the storage capacity. It lacks the hassle of installing additional storage devices and all you need to do is contact the service provider to discuss the extended storage requirements.

Strong Disaster Recovery Plan: Due to a reliable disaster recovery plan in place, the organizations are less likely to face any unfavorable circumstances such as the loss of confidential information. This is not the case when data is stored locally as if anything critical happens, it would vanish the entire data even if a strong disaster recovery plan prevails.

Automatic Updates Installation: The beauty of Cloud storage strategy lies in its off-premise servers. The service provider is responsible for assimilating timely software updates and installing additional add-ons. Unlike an onsite backup system that requires regular maintenance by in-house IT professionals, cloud storage system (infrastructure) is taken care of by third-party service providers.

Work from Anywhere: The cloud storage allows employees and individuals to work while on-the-go. Since all the data is available online, users will require only username and password credentials to access data from any geographical location across the globe.

The above mentioned benefits are sufficient enough to convince any small or large scale business to move to the Cloud. Not only it is a cost-effective storage approach in comparison to onsite backup and storage, but also it is more scalable when it comes to efficiency. In addition, it provides access to business tools as well as allows multiple users to access the same information and make edits as and when required.

Backup strategy

Why You Should Adopt Cloud Backup strategy

If your organization is still following the age-old onsite backup approach, take a minute to decide why not adopt an advanced backup strategy that brings along additional benefits in terms of security, cost-effectiveness, efficiency and much more.

Saving data on Cloud media prevents unauthorized access to business-critical information; however, the security of data is not 100% ensured while storing and backing up information on onsite servers.

Moreover, in the instance of server shutdown, the organizations may experience a delay in business operations when the data backup is available onsite. This is not applicable in case of online backup as the service providers ensure ‘Zero’ downtime.

Another major aspect is the availability of round the clock technical assistance by Cloud storage service provider. This keeps the business activities on the run as any errors or discrepancies can be removed instantly by experts.

Moving your personal and business critical data to Cloud is a smart idea as it serves countless advantages. Not only the data remains secure, but it also eliminates the hassles of maintaining and upgrading the infrastructure.

Saaher Muzafer / CEO Backup Everything
Saaher Muzafer / CEO Backup Everything

We pride ourselves on having a cloud backup solution for everyone as every business has a different requirement. Whether you want to backup Servers, Virtual Machines or Microsoft 365 we will have something for you. Our alignment is not with any vendor or product but with the best fit for your backup and disaster recovery needs. Contact us anytime for a transparent chat about what we have and what is there in the market today, I am sure we will be able to help you.

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