With a number of cloud service providers biting the dust and any number of subscribers bemoaning the day they transitioned their data to the cloud, cloud services have gained disrepute. But, it should be noted that there are more successful cloud companies than those who failed! So, what makes a company a success or a failure? Let us study a successful company like Backup Everything to understand the why and wherefore of its success.
Delivery is a measure of reliability. Backup Everything (BE) partner programs stress on the importance of delivering on promises. Since BE reach out to the market, partly, through their distributors and resellers—this is saying a lot for the company and its marketing policies.
Partners Carefully Scrutinised
BE has put in place a strong partner evaluation program to ensure that their partners deliver just what is promised to their customers without fail. Hence, signing up to a partner program with BE is not an easy task. Aspiring partners are strictly evaluated and their history is carefully scrutinised before they are accepted. BE strongly believes that failure of its partner is also its failure. BE does everything to ensure that their partners do not fail and the deal BE makes with its partners carries weight in the market.
BE Goes Extra Mile
BE encourages its partners to write and follow a well documented Business Plan; an effective Marketing plan and a sound financial plan. BE assist its partners draw up these different plans; train them wherever and whenever necessary and even help them define strategies that will create and sustain their business for them.
BE Enables Partners
Cloud backup and storage service providers are expected to take responsibility for their customers—directly or indirectly. When BE partners sign up, they agree to take on responsibility for the welfare of their customers, and the success of their business. However, the ultimate responsibility for the functioning of the software and the security of customer data is retained by BE indirectly, at all times. On the ground, it can be noted that partners purchase blocks of space on BE infrastructure, and are permitted to re-brand the software/documentation and sell the services under their own banner. But, BE keeps a light hand on the reign, so that customers can rest assured that the security of their data will never be compromised by the antics of a partner.
BE Takes its Partnerships Seriously
Cloud backup service companies that take their business seriously are bound to succeed. BE certainly expects its partners, distributors and resellers to take their business seriously. BE devotes a lot of time and money to researching on market requirements and customer needs and offers products that address those very needs. BE communicates these changes regularly with its partners and keep them updated on the latest developments in the software. Partner forums, training sessions online and offline are organised to reach out to partners and keep them on their toes. BE makes sure that it has the right talent on board at all times.
Customer Support
Customer support is an important adjunct to cloud backup services. BE customers receive both online and offline support. FAQs, Knowledge repositories, blogs, customer forums, phone support, customer care portals, email support —you name it, and BE has it all. Customers can also contact experts for clarifications / grievances by email or chat or telephone.
BE is aware that success comes from commitment. Commitment results in meticulous planning and execution of business plans; marketing plans or financial plans—irrespective of whether the marketing is done directly or indirectly.
Restores on Demand
BE cloud backup products — BE Business, BE White Label, BE StorageCraft, BE Cloud-to-Cloud, and BE Big Data — combine its unique technology with a fast interface to create a powerful disaster recovery solutions. The BE technology ensures that data is available the moment it is required — with fast download — to get the business up and running quickly and efficiently.
Structured System
Structured storage facilitates structured recovery. Whatever the flavor of the backup that is initiated on BE infrastructure technology, the software automatically kicks in. Files and folders in the backup set are organised efficiently and effectively. Each file and folder is stored with a date and time stamp and revisions of files/folders are incrementally stored with references/pointers to the original data where no changes have been made. This organised storage methodology empowers the user and allows them restore files and folders or revisions or backup sets with ease.
Accessible Anytime from Anywhere
BE permits real time recovery of all kinds of data over the Internet. Unlike tape backups, cloud backup and online storage repositories are accessible 24x7x365 and there is no time loss involved in setting up any kind of recovery process. Users can log in to their BE account and navigate to the specific files and folders they wish to download, as if they were operating on directories on their local hard drive.
Hot or Cold Sites
The business implication is that data can be accessed from anywhere, anytime and from any machine using web-browser based interfaces that require no installation or maintenance. Bare metal restores become a reality. IT Admins can restore data to an entirely new set of hardware at a different location using local Internet connections and web browser based applications. They can set up well organised data repositories with required security protocols for hot sites or cold sites or even temporary sites for specific operational purposes taking advantage of SaaS and cloud computing services. This also makes legal compliance easier.
The local bandwidth usage remains unaffected during the access or download of information when remote users and mobile workers log in for business operations from their operative location. The remote system connects to the Internet using bandwidths available at the remote station!
Defined RTO
Interestingly, BE’s technology allows users define recovery time objectives (RTO) for their organisations by taking a layered approach to backup. The settings can be tweaked to send data to the remote, secure data centre, but also to a local removable drive for near instant restoration. Existing NAS devices can be pressed into service and used to backup data both to the remote server and the local drive simultaneously, and recover it in accordance with the RTO set by the organisation.
Report Generation
Built into the entire system are activity logs that keep track of all backups and restorations that are attempted with the user account. Reports can be generated from these activity logs for managerial decision making and action. The BE settings can be tinkered with to schedule the generation of these reports at periodical intervals or ring alarm bells when unauthorised users attempt to restore data to local or remote machines from the local or remote data repository. BE software can be set to trigger off alerts whenever a backup is complete or incomplete, or a restoration has gone or not gone through as planned.
BE offers a number of products, and partners are welcome to choose and pick on which products they want to partner with. BE is always ready to support its partners, as the partners success is its success. Come on board and enjoy the ride. Why not contact us?