Things You Need To Know About Cloud Storage

Things You Need To Know About Cloud Storage
Updated On: July 13, 2023

Cloud computing is no doubt the latest addition to the data manipulation, storage and handling industry. Cloud storage basically pertains to saving files on a 3rd party offsite server. The files, however, still remain virtually available to the user and can be accessed via a password protected domain. The introduction of cloud storage was closely followed by a rapid growth of the number of service providers in the market offering such and related utilities. This has made it overwhelmingly harder for new users to make sound choices when investing in such accounts.

Things You Need To Know About Cloud Storage UK

Before rushing to purchase a subscription to a cloud storage UK account, take some time and evaluate what you need to save via the cloud. Perhaps you want to backup your entire hard drive from your office laptop or maybe you just need a few presentation folders synchronized online. These intended uses should dictate the type of cloud storage UK account you subscribe to. The online market is laden with all manner of accounts and thus sifting through with a predetermined objective makes it easier for you to select the best one tailored to your needs.

Cloud Storage | Backup Everything

If you need just a few folders synchronized, it would pay better if you signed up for a cheaper or even a free version of a cloud storage UK account. Most of the time, such accounts have somewhat limited storage, with most offering up to 15GB of free storage space. This should be more than enough for most small data consumers. With such a version, you can store thousands of Office Word, PowerPoint or PDF files online and have them on the go for almost free. There is, however, a downside to subscribing to such accounts. Since the affiliate cloud storage UK provider offers them at a way subsidized cost, the security levels are questionable and the reliability of such of a service cannot be always guaranteed. Nonetheless, if you’re in the market for a cloud storage UK account to store a few non-sensitive files, then this is a sure bet?

While there are plenty of service providers rolling out the almost free versions of premium cloud storage accounts, a few are known to duping clients to sign up for their services by luring them with the idea of ‘free’ storage space. Be sure that the cloud storage UK account that you’re submitting a sign-up email to is actually what it is. What do I mean? Some providers have limited trial versions of storage accounts labelled free accounts as a marketing strategy. This way, clients are lured into signing up for the accounts, only to realize that a month or two down the line, that they have to pay a fixed charge to continue enjoying their cloud storage services. In case you come across such an advert, online or elsewhere, make a point of visiting the company’s website to get a clearer picture of what the account purports to be. If you have any queries or concerns regarding such a cloud storage UK account, get in touch with their support to clarify any misconceptions that you may have.

Saaher Muzafer / CEO Backup Everything
Saaher Muzafer / CEO Backup Everything

We pride ourselves on having a cloud backup solution for everyone as every business has a different requirement. Whether you want to backup Servers, Virtual Machines or Microsoft 365 we will have something for you. Our alignment is not with any vendor or product but with the best fit for your backup and disaster recovery needs. Contact us anytime for a transparent chat about what we have and what is there in the market today, I am sure we will be able to help you.

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